Welcome to The World of Osho PulsationAneesha Dillon
Osho Pulsation is a method of self-exploration and personal transformation which works through the body and the life energy system, to re-claim our natural aliveness and expressiveness.
Rooted in the insights of two of the most ingenious figures of the twentieth century, Wilhelm Reich and Osho, Pulsation provides the awareness and the tools to ground the process of personal transformation in the body, using breathing, movement, and sound to explore the full range of sensations, feelings and emotions that we carry inside. As the energy begins to flow freely and naturally throughout the whole body, participants can experience a state of tremendous aliveness, together with feelings of relaxation and well-being. Results are immediate and tangible as well as sustainable, and include but are not limited to:
Aneesha Dillon created Osho Pulsation, a unique and delightful blend of neo-Reichian breathwork and meditation, by combining two streams of understanding, one Western, one Eastern. Over the last four decades Aneesha has changed the lives of thousands of people all over the world through her popular workshops, trainings and individual sessions. She has trained hundreds of people all over the world to do this work, and her book "Tantric Pulsation: The journey of human energy from its animal roots to its spiritual flowering" is available in several languages. Aneesha's Book - Available in Five Languages
Aneesha with Subodha - This Precious Moment
Pulsation World WideCertified Pulsation Practitioners from around the world are busy sharing Osho Pulsation in the form of Individual sessions, weekly classes, groups, workshops, and trainings, as well as Festival events around Europe, Russia, and Brazil. Please explore the local websites in your country, and also check out our own listing of practitioners:
Russia: www.pulsations.ru Italy: www.oshopulsation.it Brazil: www.pulsationbrasil.com Upcoming Events
This is only a small selection. View full calendar >
February 29 - March 7, Scotland
Pulsation Training, L1 - "Basic" Part 3 of 3 April 1 - 5, Osho Miasto, Italy
Pulsation Training, L3 - "Supervision" April 10 - 13, Osho Miasto, Italy
Energy is Delight April 15 - 21, Osho Miasto, Italy
Tantric Pulsation Training Part 1 of 4 Pulsation Festival Brazil,