Last month at the week-long Osho Risk Summer Festival in Denmark, I re-confirmed my deep trust in the alchemy of celebration. Milarepa was there with his band, and I saw, yet again, how dancing, singing, meditating together, playing, laughing, and feasting together creates an energy field that lifts the consciousness of everyone within it, to new heights, towards light.
When I arrived there I was harried, depleted, and nearly - no actually - depressed from traveling so much, and felt in need of a break. “Where”, I asked myself, “am I going to find the juice to lead my events”?
But with no time to think, I jumped into a whirlwind week of Tantric events, singing in the Evening Meeting, Heart Dance, playing in the Cabaret show, parties, incredible food, hugs galore…a veritable love feast!
I saw, within myself as the week progressed, a gradual inner movement towards light, happiness and joy, that welled up naturally. I felt deeply nourished and "simple at heart" in a way that gave me courage to be myself. Now, several weeks later I am still surrounded by the fragrance of meditation and celebration that we all created together at Osho Risk.
Don’t miss your local Osho celebration/festival—feel the love, smell the flowers!
Many Osho Centers have Festivals and Celebrations throughout the year, and in Italy, August Festivals abound.
When I arrived there I was harried, depleted, and nearly - no actually - depressed from traveling so much, and felt in need of a break. “Where”, I asked myself, “am I going to find the juice to lead my events”?
But with no time to think, I jumped into a whirlwind week of Tantric events, singing in the Evening Meeting, Heart Dance, playing in the Cabaret show, parties, incredible food, hugs galore…a veritable love feast!
I saw, within myself as the week progressed, a gradual inner movement towards light, happiness and joy, that welled up naturally. I felt deeply nourished and "simple at heart" in a way that gave me courage to be myself. Now, several weeks later I am still surrounded by the fragrance of meditation and celebration that we all created together at Osho Risk.
Don’t miss your local Osho celebration/festival—feel the love, smell the flowers!
Many Osho Centers have Festivals and Celebrations throughout the year, and in Italy, August Festivals abound.