There are many benefits from practising Chakra Breathing Meditation, particularly for people who have participated in Pulsation or Tantric Pulsation groups/Trainings. This meditation keeps the body moving and the energy flowing, and it also gives a way to focus your attention inside your own body to feel what happens there when you breathe so intensely.
By breathing deeply and fairly quickly into the chakras, we charge the segments with energy while we move and pulsate that part of the body. This promotes a vertical connection between all the chakras, and offers a taste of inner wholeness as energy flows more easily up and down the spine.
Phase 1: Breathe into the chakras, one by one, starting with the first at the sex center, swinging the pelvis in rhythm with the breath. Move up to the next chakra each time the music moves up a tone, and a bell rings.
While breathing into the chakras:
1) visualize the chakra filling with breath and emptying—pulsating.
2) vibrate a soft sound inside the chakra as you breathe out.
3) breathe, if you can, in the same rhythm as the background music.
4) swing your pelvis backwards with the in-breath, and forwards with the out-breath, letting hands and arms move loosely and rhythmically to support the breathing.
This 15-minute breathing cycle is repeated a total of 3 times, followed by a silent stage of 15 minutes, either sitting or lying down, witnessing and resting in the energy.
This meditation is best done with the Osho Chakra Breathing CD or the Sufi Atem CD as background music and for directions.
You can get the Osho Chakra breathing meditation CD and many many more CDs directly and easily in our online store. This is the Kamal version and not (!) the Sufi version! We are still trying to find a distributor for the Sufi chakra breathing version. Does anyone know, where to get it?
Get the Osho Chakra Breathing CD in our online shop >